About Trusting God's Timing
Many times Christians excitedly receive a promise or vision from God. From that moment forward, they want to tell the whole world what God is going to do in and through them. It’s so exciting to have a promise from God. The Bible says:
“Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18).

But when God gives us a promise or vision, it takes time to see it fulfilled. Rarely is the vision for tomorrow or even the next year. It’s for a certain time set by God. He shows it to you early, but He still wants to prepare you for the journey ahead.
Many Christians get discouraged during this process and walk away from God. But so many people in the Bible—like Abraham, Joseph, and David—had to go through years of preparation before they saw their visions fulfilled. They waited a long time, probably longer than most of us.
Be encouraged! Don’t let a thing called time destroy you before you even start. God is for you, and what He’s promised He will bring to pass.
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