The more I read the Bible and especially the Gospels; I see that Jesus called us to a new way of radical living. It’s much different than what we are seeing in the lives of Christians today. Jesus wants us to raise a higher standard. When Jesus came to earth and lived as a human, He raised
Recently, I’ve talked about wanting to live a life completely surrendered to Jesus. A life where I can truly say it’s not my own. I want to make a difference everywhere I go. I hear people often say, speaking of others, “he/she says they’re a Christian but they really aren’t”. This is because here in Guatemala it’s
I’ve started deeper into a journey. It’s not a journey that ‘no man has gone before’. Although, it’s one that very few have taken and even fewer dare to take today. It’s a journey of complete surrender to Jesus. It will require all of our effort to “count all things as lost for Christ”. (Philippians 3:7) My