One of the most exciting things for me is to hear my soon-to-be-born son’s heartbeat! After 15 years of waiting, I am about to be a first-time Father. My wife and I have made frequent trips to the doctor’s office. At each visit, we have the joy of hearing his heartbeat. Each time is very impactful for

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Jesus commanded us to be a part of the great commission. Evangelism is a must. We cannot take our eyes off this task. Lately, in Christian circles, topics focus on cryptocurrency (bitcoin), war with Russia and Ukraine, political freedom, personal rights, etc. We are steering way off track, headed for a huge ditch and many are not

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We must not become caught up in the chaos and controversy of our day. Our main message must always include Jesus as our main focus. When the world is divided, and everyone voices their opinions, we must refuse to participate in heated arguments. Our job is to represent Jesus. For the past two years, people have been

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Signs, wonders and miracles should be a daily part of our Christian life. One thing I have noticed in my travels to different churches, ministries and Christian events is that most people believe that God can do miracles, but many do not stretch out their faith to see such miracles. I believe that God wants to do

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A very sad truth is that many churches have forgotten the importance of spiritual warfare. Consequently, many seem to be putting their weapons down and allowing the enemy to take control and do as he will. Pastors and churches are simply accepting defeat and failure as the norm. Jesus did not talk about His end-time church in

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Many ministers have preached messages concerning unity for generations. The universal church claims to understand unity, and most would agree that we should walk in it. I do not believe that there is a Christian that would say that unity was not essential. However, the past year has shown us how far we are from unity. The

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In the world today many people are very fearful. Christians and non-Christians alike have succumbed to a life of fear instead of faith. However, this is the time to show the world that we live by faith and not by sight. By this, I am not implying that you should not take the necessary precautions. I try

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Ever since I became a Christian over 20 years ago, I was told that a move of God would come. It seemed to be something that we were waiting and hoping for – something to happen sometime in the future. Many Christians continue to look and wait for this move of God. I do understand their thoughts

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