We Are The Church BUT We Also Need to Attend One

Many years ago, I received the revelation that the church isn’t a building, but rather the people who attend it are “the church”. I was happy to receive this revelation. This truth helped mobilize and get me out of the pew and preach the Gospel. I wanted to not only attend church but to be it. Quickly, I began to witness to people, do random acts of kindness and anything I could to show the love of Jesus.

If you’re a Christian, you are the church. This is a great truth that I want everyone to know. We are to do the works that Jesus did. Jesus, Himself, said:

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do because I go to My Father. (John 14:12)

Jesus’ very words imply that we are to do what He did. This is an awesome statement as we can do even greater than He did. I personally love doing these works. Jesus healed the sick, so can we. He brought a message of salvation, healing and deliverance and we are to bring this message into all the world.

There are many other verses that show this truth (Ephesians 3:10; 4:11-13; Matthew 18:17; Acts 2:47; 12:15, 14:27; Romans 16:5; Colossians 4:15). Just to name a few. God’s desire is for His Power to manifest through us.

Lately I have seen a few misconceptions about this belief. People seem to be taking Scriptures out of context or making doctrines out of solitary verses. We can’t make doctrines of things that aren’t in Scripture.

Is There A Perfect Church?

Has the church disappointed you or has a Christian offended you? Has a pastor or leader hurt you? You can probably answer yes to at least one of these questions. This then, answers the question.  People have flaws, we all do. Therefore, a perfect church can never exist.

People are offended as they’ve been hurt too many times. They no longer want to be a part of the church. They think that they can be ‘lone rangers’ and still be Christians. Salvation is found in Jesus alone, so you can still be a Christian. However, Jesus established the church so that we will grow in the knowledge of Him (Ephesians 4:13) The church is where we can grow and learn how to not be offended. This isn’t the only reason but it’s a good one.

Has The Church Hurt You?

I want to apologize for them. Most probably they didn’t hurt you on purpose. The people who make up the church aren’t perfect, you saw their flaws when they hurt you (I’m not talking about covering up sin).

Are you offended easily? Have you had so much hurt in your life that you can’t trust people? These things will affect your relationship with people. Therefore, your problem isn’t the church, it’s you. I’m not trying to offend but there are some hurts and deep wounds that you need to allow God to deal with. Many times, He does this through the church. He sends others to help you heal.

The Church is Where Two or Three Are Gathered

Is it really or have we taken this lonely verse of context? Most of the time when people use this verse it’s because they don’t attend a local church. The very establishment that Jesus created.  Let’s look at the verse and see what it says:

For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20

This verse doesn’t say that if two Christians are together they’re doing church. It also doesn’t say that when you do random acts of kindness you’re being the church. It simply says that when two believers are together Jesus is in their midst. His Presence is there with them.

Jesus has called us to be a body. We are to come together. Sure, I don’t agree with everything the church is today, but I do believe that God wants us to come together. Instead of trying to make excuses for being bitter we must learn to receive healing and allow God and other Christians bring healing to us.

God’s Plan Is For The Church

How can we love Jesus but hate His bride? My favourite place to be is in church. I love to be with my brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s great to help one another grow.

Jesus said,

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16:18

This very thing was Jesus’ idea. Why then, are Christians fighting against the very establishment that Jesus came to build? Often, it’s because of leadership issues that people don’t want. People believe they’re being controlled and told what to do. However, this is another topic for another blog.

The Church in Conclusion

Are you a Christian? Do you want to live for Jesus? Do you have a desire to grow in everything that He has for you? If your answer is yes to any of these questions you should be part of a healthy local church, one that preaches the full gospel. Look for a place that will teach you about Jesus and how to live a Christian life.

Some people like to say that they are a part of one that they join in through the web. I don’t believe that this is what Jesus wanted either. He wants us to interact with His children. He wants us all to grow together. We all have giftings from God that He wants us to use to benefit the whole body. Don’t just keep your gifts for yourself. Allow others to grow because you are a part of a church body.

Please understand that yes you are the church, but you also must be a part of one. Join one and find out how exciting it can be to have accountability and surrender to our family. Let’s grow together in the “spirit of wisdom & revelation of the knowledge of HimEphesians 1:17


Steven Stoffelsen


Author of Trusting God’s Timing

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