Discernment: Opening Spiritual Eyes

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At the beginning of this year it was prophesied that this was the year of spiritual vision and discernment. We were told that 2020 was a significant year. Back in December & January, as these words came forth, we had no idea what was coming. Before the COVID-19 outbreak we did not know how much we would need this spiritual discernment. However, now that we are in it, we realize there is a need for great spiritual discernment.

Sometimes, when we speak of discernment, we think about the motives of others and how, at times, we suspect that others have the wrong or right motives. This can be God revealing people’s motives to us at times however, usually, it is just suspicion and is not a spiritual gift at all. It is now time for the true gift of the discerning of spirits and discerning the times.

1. Walking in spiritual discernment

The bible declares that we are to “walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7). This does not negate the importance of spiritual discernment; rather it increases its validity. Since there is much going on in the world at this time we must walk by faith. If we are not walking in faith we are walking in fear. During COVID-19 it is easy to walk in fear. The news everywhere promotes it.

God wants to show us what is happening behind the scenes. I do not claim to have all the answers, but I am not going to listen to every conspiracy theory that is out there. We cannot base our faith on what others are saying. I want to press in to hear God’s voice clearer than ever.

Many are saying that the world will never go back to ‘normal’ after this pandemic. I totally agree. Things will not be the same. This is not to produce fear but rather faith in the big God that we serve. He is going to do more in these days than ever before. I believe we are entering into the great end time harvest that we have always heard and preached about.

2. Discernment of Times & Season

From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take. 1 Chronicles 12:32

Where are the sons of Issachar today? People must rise with the desire to know the signs of the times. I am asking the Lord to reveal what we are to do because this is a new day. It is a different season than any we have ever lived before. Therefore, God wants to open our eyes to be able to spiritually discern what is going on and what we are to do.

Look at this same verse in the Contemporary English Version (CEV): these leaders knew the right time to do what needed to be done.

Let us find out what is the right time to do what needs to be done. Only God can show us this. I believe He wants to show us, we just must be available to listen.

3. Increase of Spiritual Gifts

In 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 Paul talks about spiritual gifts and their importance. He did not want us to be ‘ignorant’ of them (v.1). He then proceeds to name 9 spiritual gifts that we should operate in. We need this more than ever.

All these gifts are important but look at the three ‘seeing’, ‘hearing’ or ‘revelation’ gifts. The gift of the Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, and the discerning of spirits. We need these three gifts in a greater way. I particularly want to ask God for more in these gifts. I want all the other gifts too. However, I can see the importance of these three right now.

Remember these gifts are for both seeing the good and bad. It is to be able to discern evil motives as well as what is right. There is a balance. The words of wisdom & knowledge will help you see into the past, present and future. Ask God for these gifts today. Ask for all nine.


More than ever we need our spiritual eyes to be open. We must discern the times and the seasons. Do not become distracted by all the fear COVID-19 is producing. Walk by faith. Ask God to reveal His plans and purposes to you.

Ask the Lord today to open your spiritual eyes. Recently I posted a video that talks about a dream that I had that speaks of the importance of seeing in the spirit at this time. You can watch it here.



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