God never designed us to live beneath our limits. He didn’t intend for us to live just an ordinary everyday life. He called us to something greater than what we think we can do. Often, Christians are living beneath their potential. It’s sad, but it’s true. This isn’t God’s will for our lives. He wants us to live abundantly (John 10:10).
To find out God’s will for our lives we need to spend time in prayer and studying His word. However, many are too lazy to do this. Many don’t see the benefits of it. There are many benefits, but unfortunately some people don’t see them. As we study God’s Word we see that He has great plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11). He wants us to live out these plans.
Many of us have felt failure one way or another. Maybe by losing a friend or job. Perhaps, you tried starting a new business endeavor, only to feel disappointment and despair. We may have even done all the ‘right’ things. Possibly we had even prayed and sought God yet still things didn’t work out. This isn’t the time to give up on God and think that He doesn’t love you. It’s time to rise and find out what it is exactly that He wants from you.
God doesn’t want you to fail. He doesn’t want you broke and desperate. God wants you to live high above your human potential. He wants you to see what He can do through you. It’s time to dust off your dreams and see what God can do for you!
1. Called to be ‘More than Conquerors’
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37).
According to this verse, we can overcome any situation. We don’t have to live a life of defeat. Since we have often seen it, many of us think it’s the norm and so we don’t try any harder. We see failure once or twice in our lives and we think it’s the end of the world, that we have nothing else to live for. I want you to know that you are wrong. You can overcome!
God has given us all the power and tools that we need to live a successful life. God wants you to live to His fullest potential for you. His potential is even higher than your potential. Decide today that you will not longer accept defeat and that you will live a life of victory. The victory has been won. Therefore, you can walk in it.
Why should we live less than what we were called to? Allow God to show you the areas that you need to overcome to see the success that you want to see. Start to dream again to see God’s plans fulfilled in your life.
2. Called to be ‘Seated in the Heavenly Places’
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:4-6).
Here we see that God hasn’t called us to live beneath our potential. We couldn’t be any higher than “seated with Him”. God has seated us there for a reason. He wants us to see our potential. We can’t see our potential from the earth looking up, we need to see it from Heaven looking down.
If we focus on how big our problems are or how bad our failures have been we’ll never rise back up. We must look at everything from a heavenly perspective. That’s God’s will for our lives.
We have the same authority He has because He gave it to us. This is an amazing privilege that we have. He gave it to us and so He wants us to use it.
3. Called Because ‘Christ is in you’
To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory (Colossians 1:27).
We can accomplish great things because Christ lives in us. If He didn’t live within us, we wouldn’t have anything to give. We wouldn’t have any potential. Since Christ does live within us, we have all the potential in the world. We can go further than we ever imagined!
It’s a great privilege to have Christ living inside us! We shouldn’t waste it. Many are just going through life as if they were living it on their own, when they don’t have to. We’re called to represent the very One that lives in us!
You have nothing to fear. Don’t let fear hold you back. You are called to conquer, to be seated in the Heavenly places and because Christ is in you. This should be enough for you to realize that you & I have so much more potential. If you have been living in defeat thinking you will never measure up look to what Jesus has done for you.
Be encouraged to reach your potential. Allow God to reveal to you what He wants you to do. His plans and purposes never fail. You can trust Him. He’s the One who has called you!