Live For Something Greater than Yourself

As I was praying the other day I heard the words, “your life is not your own.”  I knew right away that it was a Scripture. It is found in 1 Corinthians 6:19b. For days I haven’t been able to shake this word. It keeps reminding me that I live for something greater than myself. Life isn’t about meeting my pleasures or needs. Rather to live for Jesus in all that I do.

This isn’t a popular word even in today’s Christian circles. People enjoy living for themselves. They prefer to do what’s ‘right for them’, instead of following what the Scripture tells us. If we feel ok doing it then it must be alright. We are in a terrible state and we need to come back to God’s Word!

Look at how the verse starts:

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? I Corinthians 6:19

When we came to Jesus we surrendered our rights to Him. How is it that many Christians today are living in bitterness, offense, lust and other blatant sins, yet never repent? They have become accustomed to their way of living. We think we have the right to be offended or bitter. Yet we quickly forget that Jesus chose to forgive. He decided that He wouldn’t let bitterness settle in even though people mocked at and made fun of Him.

We know that we are called to live and act like Jesus; however we allow bitterness and offense to easily come in. We often forget that Jesus must shine through us. Jesus has to be number one in our lives. People should see Jesus more than they see us. Jesus chose to forgive and so should we.


I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20

Once again this Scripture speaks of living a surrendered life. We are no longer to live according to our pleasures. We are to live in a way that brings glory to Jesus. As we surrender the more Jesus will be seen through us.

We shouldn’t live as if to bring glory to ourselves, we should live our lives for Jesus. People need to know Jesus. The best way for them to see Him is for them to look at us. We should be representing Jesus here on earth. Jesus wants to manifest Himself through you.

I believe that the Holy Spirit wants to move in mighty ways, but not necessarily in the churches. God wants to leave the church and go into the streets, the bars and anywhere else that people aren’t looking for Him. Jesus wants to interrupt people’s lives and show them that He is the answer to what they need.


Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to become sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. II Corinthians 5:20, 21

Do we truly understand what we are living for? We are His representatives – His Ambassadors. This is our job description. We have no time to waste on anger and bitterness we need to show this place what God is like. The earth needs to see Jesus and we are the ones responsible.

We need to know who we are in Christ. If someone says to you, who do you think you are? You can say I am an ambassador. I am the righteousness of God in Him. We have much more worth than we think. Jesus bought us at a price. (I Corinthians 6:20) It’s not bragging to say that you are as important as an ambassador. For you are ambassadors of Christ’s Kingdom. You are to bring heaven to earth.

Be Christ’s representative today! Don’t get caught up in worldly things. Allow Jesus to live through you. Invite God to interrupt your schedule to do what He wants to do through you. God has called us to live a Christ-centered life. It is a life so much greater than our own.

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