Rewards For Those Who Seek God

Many Christians don’t want to talk about doing ‘good works’ because by grace we are saved (Ephesians 2:8). Some think that seeking God is a chore or duty. As if it were something that God commands of us. It is something that we should do, however not so much for God, but rather for us. God said that he gives rewards to those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

What a thought! If we seek God, then we get rewards. Most people want the rewards without seeking God. Does this mean that we’re not saved if we don’t seek God? Absolutely not! Of course, we are saved, the minute we repented of our sins and asked Jesus to live in our hearts. That was all it took and all it will ever take.

Good works aren’t just something to be completely done away with. (I know I may get in trouble for saying that). However, go back and read the book of James and the Gospels and you will see that God still wants us to do good works.

This isn’t the point I’m trying to get at, although it is important that we see it. God says that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. That means, therefore, that God gives ‘extra things’ to people who seek Him. There are benefits to seeking God. Of course, we shouldn’t seek God for the rewards, we must seek Him for who He is.

Let’s look at a few Biblical rewards that the Bible talks about. In both Old & New Testaments God shows that He rewards people who seek Him. I don’t know about you, but I want to receive the rewards.

The REWARDS of Prosperity

And in every work that he [Hezekiah] began in the service of the house of the God, in the law and in the commandment, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart. So he prospered. 2 Chronicles 31:21

He sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God, and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper. 2 Chronicles 26:5

This is undeniable proof. As the people sought God, he rewarded them. Each one prospered as they sought God. When they didn’t things didn’t go so well for them. This was in the Old Testament. This reward is for you if you will apply the first part. Seek God and as you do, you will prosper.

God’s desire is to prosper you. He wants you to be prosperous in all that you do. You only need to do what the Bible says. Diligently seek Him and you will see prosperity. He will bless you in ways you couldn’t even imagine!

The REWARDS of Increased Presence

So that the priests could not continue to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God. 2 Chronicles 5:14

The priests and musicians were seeking the Lord. As they did, the Presence of God overwhelmed them. They couldn’t minister any longer. There was such an increase of God’s Presence that they had never seen before. It was powerful!

Remember what happened in the first four verses of Acts chapter 2? It’s when the Presence of the Lord came in strong and the people were baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in new tongues. There was a unity in Spirit as they sought the Lord.

Imagine Jesus had showed up to more than five hundred people after His resurrection. Yet only one hundred twenty of them were in the upper room seeking God. It was those who were seeking Him that received the rewards.

God wants to increase His Presence in churches, homes and individual lives today. All He needs is for us to seek Him. His Presence will increase as we desire more.

The REWARDS of Increased Healing and Miracles

Have you ever wanted to see more miracles happen through your life? One way to do that is through prayer. As we seek God, we realize His power in us to heal the sick. The early disciples were people of prayer. The book of Acts talks about prayer meetings and the powerful things that happened.

When Peter & John healed the lame man in Acts Chapter 3 they were on their way to a prayer meeting. (Acts 3:1) They didn’t just come out of the meeting, they had already been seeking God. They were ready to meet the lame man even before they entered the prayer meeting.

Of course, God can use anyone. There isn’t a necessary time-limit on how much you need to pray to see miracles. However, if you want to see more you will need to seek God. He will show you what it is that He is doing. Jesus often stayed up all night in prayer. (Luke 5:16; 6:12) I think we would all like to see the results that Jesus did. Jesus had a heart to seek God. He did it on a regular basis. He was rewarded for doing so.

It’s time to seek God

We need to get hungry for God. I have pointed out some of the rewards of seeking Him. There are so many more, but I believe you understand what I’m trying to say. As we seek God, things will be better. When we put our fears and troubles aside and seek God, He will reward us.

God wants to bless us. It’s His desire to do so. When will we get hungry enough to seek Him like the disciples did? We want to see the same results as the book of Acts, but we don’t want to do the same things they did. We want to hold off on prayer, but still expect God to act. This just won’t happen. It’s not possible.

If you want the rewards of prosperity, increased Presence and healing and miracles, you will have to seek Him! Seek His face today. Decide now that His Presence is all you need in your life. Let’s get desperate for Him.


  1. Al & Roseanne Wagner

    Thank you Brother !
    As I was reading your teaching on ‘Seek Him’ , I was reminded of Matthew 6: 33.
    Both You & Carla are a blessing to us & to the body of Christ.
    Be Blessed !

    1. Avatar photo

      Thanks. That’s another great verse. As we seek Him. He gives us everything we need. Blessings to you both.

  2. […] the above verse began to rise in my Spirit. I began to think about the blog I had just written, Rewards for Those Who Seek God. I felt that this verse ties in with us being obedient and receiving rewards for doing so. We have […]

  3. […] 11:6 If you have been reading my blogs, you may remember this verse. You can read my blog called Rewards for Those Who Seek God. You can either read it first or when you’ve done this one. Either way, it will be a blessing to […]

  4. Rani Pillay

    What a beautiful teaching may God bless your insight more and more daily

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