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A very sad truth is that many churches have forgotten the importance of spiritual warfare. Consequently, many seem to be putting their weapons down and allowing the enemy to take control and do as he will. Pastors and churches are simply accepting defeat and failure as the norm. Jesus did not talk about His end-time church in this way. He said that “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

Jesus knew that we would have struggles and even outright attacks against the church. That is why He never said that everything was going to be easy. Unfortunately, many preachers have given this false hope. They say, “when you come to Jesus all will be well.” This simply is not true. An important truth is, the enemy hates you, wants to destroy you, and does not want you to fulfill God’s call on your life. Therefore, if you want to advance in the Christian life, you must learn spiritual warfare.

Let us look at a few things we must know about spiritual warfare. If you are still reading this, you must have a desire to learn.

1.      In spiritual warfare we must KNOW our enemy

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8

I hate to break this to you, but your enemy knows you very well. He knows where you are weak and how he can tempt you. Have you ever noticed that there are some things he does not even bother you with, but he does others? He knows your weakness because he has studied you from birth.

The enemy knows your problems, struggles, failures, and weaknesses and he will try to use them against you. The good news is God knows these things too and therefore He does not condemn you for them. When the enemy comes to attack you in these areas you must “resist him.” As we resist the enemy, we learn a very important part of spiritual warfare.

Understand that the enemy usually hides and makes you think that it is others who are attacking you. He wants you to blame your family, friends, and people closest to you for your problems. Often, the enemy is using them to frustrate you and take your eyes off him. Spiritual warfare will help you discern what is an attack from the enemy. Once you recognize the attack of the enemy you can pray and intercede accordingly.

2.      Spiritual warfare shows you that you have the victory

And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:13-15

The enemy will constantly attack you, but this should not make you fearful, rather give you faith to fight. Jesus is your victor because He already won the battle! The devil is not as strong as he wants you to think he is. He was already defeated. Therefore, we now stand in a position of the victory that Jesus has already won for us.

This should bring you hope. The battle that you are facing right now cannot destroy you. Therefore, stand up and fight! Jesus won the victory for you! Therefore, there is no need to fear! When Jesus died on the cross, he grabbed the keys of death and the grave. You no longer must fear failure.

3.      Change the atmosphere though Spiritual warfare

And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19

We have the authority to bind and loose God’s Presence on the earth. In God’s Presence, we find peace, happiness, joy, and every good thing. We can release these things into the atmosphere of our lives, homes, workplaces, and places we visit. When you are in a place where there is depression and anxiety you can release the peace of God.

We have the victory! We should proclaim it over our lives. The truth is you do not have to defeat the enemy because Jesus already did. We are now enforcing the victory that Jesus already won on the cross! How exciting it is to bring the power of God into our daily lives.


We need Spiritual warfare today so that we stop the enemy from continuing to destroy your life and the lives of others. We have the victory; why not live like it? God has chosen us to bring His Presence to the earth. We do this through worship and spiritual warfare.

Steven Stoffelsen

Author of Trusting God’s Timing

Founder of House of Refuge Street Ministries


  1. Agrey Ongaro

    I have always desired to the extent of craving being a carrier of God’s glory but I have more often than not put myself in a position of defeat for not knowing that though the enemy knows me well, he was put down by our Lord Jesus Christ and my role is to bring peace where there is distress and discord through spiritual warfare. I pray that God through the Holy Spirit helps me permanently connect with Him and stay in His presence to proclaim victory!

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      Yes Agrey, you have the victory in Jesus! You are an overcomer!

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