Missionary life isn’t always as glamorous as it seems. Many times, we are fighting spiritual battles and believing God for breakthrough. Trials are also very much a part of life. We need to find strength amidst adversity. Trust me, I’ve lived on the mission field full time for over 17 years. We don’t just preach the Word, heal the sick and do the work of an evangelist.
Last week we had a huge rainstorm. Thunder & lighting and much rain for more than two hours. As the rain comes down fast it’s very important that drains are clear, and that water can flow out freely. However, last week, one of the drains near our house became plugged. The pressure from the water caused a wall to come crashing down. In turn, this caused a crazy amount of rushing water and mud to come quickly toward our house. Our house is right at the bottom of a downward slope. This water was of course on top of the rainstorm which was already more than enough water than our drainage could handle.
My wife & I arrived home at 11:00pm after a long day of ministry to find our house totally flooded with water and mud. It was a disaster! At 11:00pm I just wanted to climb into my bed. However, this wasn’t something I could just ignore and get to it in the morning. Mud and water were everywhere. I knew that we would need supernatural strength to get through the night.
At that instant we had all kinds of feelings and questions bubbling up. We knew there were no answers, so we just needed to focus on the task at hand, clean up.
These are the moments that as missionaries and humans we get ready to give up. We want to scream at everything. Can I be honest with you? We wish that we could just fall asleep and everything will be okay in the morning. However, missionary or not, life doesn’t work like that.
One Scripture verse that has been running in my mind over and over is: “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” Proverbs 24:10
I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my strength to be known as small. Growing up I always wanted to be known as tough. I have matured since then. I know that I need God’s strength now. However, in adversity I don’t want to faint because then God sees my strength as small.
During trials and storms, we need to see God’s goodness. He’s always with us even in the moments where we feel like we have no more to give. Sometimes we go through trials because He has something more to give us once we go through them. We should always look for the good God is going to do.
“Surrender your anxiety! Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God. I am the God above all the nations, and I will be exalted throughout the whole earth.” Psalm 46:10 (TPT)
God is the One who gives us strength. He helps us in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). It’s in moments of trials and testing that we need to trust God more than ever. He always has a plan. He is never doing anything to destroy us. God always has good things for His children.
Too often we grow weary. We stare at our circumstances and forget to ask God what He is doing. We need to be like David, when his day went from bad to worse, he chose to seek God.
“Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. BUT David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” 1 Samuel 30:6 (emphasis mine)
David had lost everything, his wives, his family, home, etc. His friends turned their backs on him and were even at the point of wanting to kill him. It was during this trial that David found strength. His strength could only be found in God’s Presence. (You can read more about this story in my book, Trusting God’s Timing)
In the trial, seek God. He is where you will find your strength. You cannot get it anywhere else. Even when praise is the last thing you want to do, it’s the best time to do it.
Whatever you are going through, raise your hands. God is for you! Be still and know that He is God. He has everything under control.
The night of the flood we were up until 4:00am only because we were too tired. We had no more physical energy and needed to rest. There was still lots of work to be done. We woke up at 7:00am to continue cleaning and sorting through all that was damaged. It ended up being another long day.
It took us a few days to recuperate physically. However, spiritually we were strengthened in faith. We raised our hands to Jesus and gave Him praise. He is worthy!
Don’t let your strength run out. Don’t wait until you have no more to give. Praise Jesus now. Get your tank full so that when a trial does come you will be ready for it. You were made to overcome!
Steven Stoffelsen
Author of Trusting God’s Timing
Al & Roseanne
We are sorry to hear about the disaster of your home. You are always in our daily prayers. ” May the joy of the Lord continue to be your strength !
Steven Stoffelsen
Thanks so much Al & Roseanne for your prayers. We love and appreciate you guys very much!