One of the greatest revelations we can have as a Christian is to understand the Father’s heart. That is to say, He wants you to know Him as the perfect Father. Often one’s view of our Heavenly Father is very distorted, because of the way their earthly father treated them. Many can see Him as Lord and
The God of the universe wants to meet with you! Isn’t that exciting news? Often, we see our circumstances and instead of running closer to God we run away from Him. We try to live life on our own. Even though this is impossible we still try. And there I will meet with you, and I will speak
One of my favourite passages of Scripture in the Bible is the one where Mary pours expensive perfume over Jesus’ head as an act of extravagant worship. She loves Jesus so much that she is willing to give Him something so precious to her heart. Mary wasn’t ashamed. She wanted everyone to know how important Jesus was to
Often, we see our situations and become discouraged. We don’t know how to deal with them. It’s for this reason Christians walk around depressed. Instead of staying in this state of mind, we must come to a place of praise. David declares, “in His Presence is fullness of joy” Psalm 16:11. Depression and discouragement are real feelings, but
God’s Presence should be the most important thing in our life. Too often, as Christians we forget this very important truth. We must hunger after His Presence and seek Him all the time. Of course, it’s easy to seek God when things are going well, but what is your response when things aren’t going so well? Is
When I became a Christian twenty years ago the topic of repentance didn’t seem to be a controversial issue. I’m sure it was. However there seems to be more of a debate about it today. I have heard people preach that you no longer need to repent because you’re now under grace. It seems to be yet another
How addicted are you to Jesus’ Presence? Is it something you could live without? Do you only seek Jesus when you’re in a time of crisis or is it a delight for you to be in His Presence? Over the past few years I have felt my desire for God’s Presence increase in my life. I desire