“So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.” Luke 5:11 “They immediately left their nets and followed Him” Mark 1:18 These verses have got me thinking lately. These are very powerful Scriptures if we look at and apply them to our lives. As I have been looking around and listening
How addicted are you to Jesus’ Presence? Is it something you could live without? Do you only seek Jesus when you’re in a time of crisis or is it a delight for you to be in His Presence? Over the past few years I have felt my desire for God’s Presence increase in my life. I desire
This is the second part to last week’s blog. We talked about the ways Satan will use to try to get you away from the vision that God has for you. Satan will do everything in his power to make you quit before you step into God’s call on your life. This week I want to talk
Ever since I became a Christian I was taught to dream big. I was told to believe God for the impossible. Now that I have seen how it’s helped me I like to teach others to do the same. I want to help you reach your full potential in Jesus. Ephesians 3:20 has to be one of
Jesus truly needs to be the One we live our lives for. He has to be the most important One to us. I want my passion for Jesus to show in everything I do. One quote I have always enjoyed is, “Set yourself on fire with passion and people will come for miles to watch you burn.”
If you have read my last two blogs, you probably get the idea that I want you to succeed. I believe that God has a vision for your life and I want you to line up with that vision. Don’t give up. I know that God has a call and destiny for each person and He prepares us
In my first blog I wrote about the importance of following God’s timing. You don’t want to step ahead of God. Trust me. When He gives you a vision you must wait until He shows you His perfect timing. God told Abram, “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great
I have decided to start blogging. I really enjoy writing and I believe that God has called me to write. My goal to encourage and let you know that God has great plans for you. Sometimes it seems that His plans are taking a long time to come to pass. My prayer is that you become a passionate